AWS MCQs Test 4 AWS MCQ Test 4 1 / 20 What is AWS Snowmobile? A snowball fight service A data transport service A snow removal service A dance competition 2 / 20 Explain Amazon Cognito. A coffee shop An identity service A dance competition A gardening service 3 / 20 What is AWS Glue DataBrew? A brewing service A data preparation service A coffee brand A music streaming platform 4 / 20 What is AWS Transfer for SFTP? A file transfer service A food delivery service A travel agency A music streaming platform 5 / 20 Describe AWS Data Pipeline. A data plumbing service A data integration service A gardening service A music streaming platform 6 / 20 What is Amazon Managed Blockchain? A managed blockchain service A blockchain game A fashion brand A music streaming platform 7 / 20 What is AWS Directory Service? A directory of services A cloud directory service A restaurant chain A music streaming platform 8 / 20 Explain AWS RoboMaker. A robot-making service A robot dance competition A clothing brand A music streaming platform 9 / 20 What is Amazon Kinesis? A type of dance A data streaming service A book on animals A music streaming platform 10 / 20 How does AWS Backup work? Backing up the Amazon River A backup and recovery service A dancing competition A magic trick 11 / 20 Describe AWS DataSync A data synchronization service A data science platform A data encryption service A music streaming platform 12 / 20 What is AWS App Runner? A running app A mobile app builder A running competition A music streaming platform 13 / 20 What is Amazon MQ? A mountain range A managed message broker A bookstore A music streaming platform 14 / 20 Explain AWS CloudHSM. A weather service A hardware security module A cloud storage service A music streaming platform 15 / 20 What is AWS Fargate? A type of dance A serverless compute engine A gardening service A music streaming platform 16 / 20 What is AWS Elastic Transcoder? A trans-coding service A translator service A transportation service A music streaming platform 17 / 20 How does AWS CloudFormation work? Forming clouds An infrastructure as code service A weather forecasting service A music streaming platform 18 / 20 What is Amazon Elasticache? A type of ice cream A caching service An elastic exercise A music streaming platform 19 / 20 Describe AWS Device Farm A farm of electronic devices A device testing service A gardening service A music streaming platform 20 / 20 What is AWS Elemental MediaConvert? A video conversion service A chemical element A media player A music streaming platform Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz