SMTP Port: How to Choose the Right One?

Having trouble determining which SMTP port number to use? I’ve already done that.  We’ll go into SMTP ports in detail in this blog article. Let’s get started.

If you send emails using an email client like Apple Mail or Outlook, you most likely use SMTP to upload them to your mail server.

Emails are often sent through the mail server of your web provider. When you install WordPress, this typically happens immediately. However, you must set up an SMTP account if you wish to send emails from outside of your website.

wp mail smtp setup
WordPress SMTP setup example. SMTP port: You’ll see.

What does SMTP do?

SMTP is used to send emails (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).
An SMTP port is a standard way for computers on the internet to communicate with each other.
It lets users communicate between many different kinds of computers, no matter how their operating systems work.
It allows the exchange of mail between users on the same or separate computers, as well as
One message may be sent to one or many recipients.
Text, voice, video, and graphic messaging are all acceptable.
SMTP port is part of an Internet address used to send and receive emails.

How does SMTP vary from SSL/TLS?

Email transmission is possible with both. SSL keeps SMTP’s structure from getting into your email. Any port can be used for SSL.
When it comes to email security, SSL used to be the standard. Communications over the internet are now more secure thanks to TLS
To protect communications, both protocols place a dedicated server between transmitting and receiving devices.
TLS, on the other hand, offers more notifications than its predecessor and has more possible hash algorithms, which enhances secure communication.
The most recent standard, STARTTLS, is now used by the majority of emails. The SSL/TLS protocols are combined in this standard to offer the maximum level of security.
Despite the potential that it is secure, the way the protocol operates is not entirely secure. Encryption is made better by combining the transmission technique with a security protocol.
Technologies like SSL and others improve SMTP transmission when delivering email.

Why Is SMTP Port Important?

In addition to problems with the connection, selecting the incorrect port might have an effect on delivery. Email is only considered useful when it is sent between the sender and the receiver, and using the appropriate port ensures that the email will be delivered.

In order to save you the hassle for the great majority of users, your email provider will configure the ports for you. For others, on the other hand, it is very necessary to have an understanding that different ports have different tasks, which are often categorized as submissions and relaying.


When you submit an email to your email service provider, you are actually transferring your newly created electronic message to their outbox. The procedure ends here and your email won’t continue if you and your service provider are on separate ports.


When both computers are using the same port, your mail server accepts the outgoing communication and “shakes hands” with the other computer. The transmission takes place when everything is protected and in agreement. This method is called relaying.

Most frequent SMTP ports: overview and application cases:

smtp port

The standard SMTP email port is 25.

In 1982, the IETF produced RFC 821, which became famous. The popular or recommended channel for sending emails over the internet, according to the IETF, is port 25.

IANA is aware that SMTP port 25 remains the default port used for email transmission. Using it, though, is not required of you. It is still the default even though it is no longer used by almost all contemporary email applications (including Gmail, Yahoo, and others).

A little worse, a lot of cloud storage and Internet service providers intentionally restrict traffic entering through port 25 since it’s an easy way for spyware bots and marketers to send emails because the port is unprotected.

SMTP port 25 still plays a crucial function in SMTP relay, but you shouldn’t use it to deliver SMTP messages.

To sum up: You generally won’t need to utilize port 25 unless you have a unique requirement to do so.

SMTP port 465: Unused port

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) started investigating SMTPS, a cutting-edge technique for encrypting or safeguarding emails delivered via SMTP, back in the 1990s. The goal was to send SMTP emails securely using SSL and TLS, the then-standard encryption methods (TLS).

To enable these protocols, the IANA designated SMTP port 465.

The IETF and this port didn’t expressly support this method because there wasn’t an RFC for it. When Litle Deeper and other ways to send encrypted mail became more popular, the IETF decided to make port 587 the standard encryption protocol. The IANA shifted course, deleting port 465 from their register and adding it back in for some circumstances.

So why bring up port 465 at all? Well, some older hardware and software still utilize the port by default for SMTP. In particular, Microsoft’s older apps continue to use the 465 protocol since they do not support STARTTLS.

To Sum Up: If possible, avoid using SMTP port 465. Many current hosting and email service providers ban it.

SMTP port 587 is the best choice almost always

As a safe, up-to-date SMTP port for message transmission, port 587 was created. It allows for the safe transmission of messages via SMTP and natively supports TLS and STARTTLS.

This port separated mail delivery and submission. Mail relay would utilize port 25, while mail submission would use port 587.

Most current email services, such as hosting and email service providers, now use SMTP port 587 by default. The same is true for popular email programs like Apple Mail and Microsoft Outlook. The most well-known and compatible port,In plenty of circumstances, it’s the best choice.

The sending guidelines for Google Compute Engine have changed a few times.

To Sum Up: Port 587 should be used by the majority of senders. It is a simple decision due to the encryption and widespread support.

If other ports are restricted, use SMTP 2525.

A blocked port 587 will be replaced by port 2525. Even though the IETF and IANA have not acknowledged it, this is accurate. TLS encryption is supported on port 2525.

To Sum Up: If you’re having trouble configuring your email server using port 587, try using port 2525 instead.

How to Configure the WordPress SMTP Plugin for WP Mail?

One common way to resolve WordPress email problems is to configure the SMTP server. I advise utilizing the WP Mail SMTP plugin since it is an easy-to-use solution that can increase email delivery.
This procedure also assists with email address authentication. In order to prevent fraudulent communications, most email clients seek for authentication in the 319 billion emails that are sent and received daily throughout the world. Bypassing spam filters and firewalls is made possible by this plugin.
This SMTP plugin is compatible with a number of email servers, although the configuration and authentication requirements vary depending on the server.
For instance, to utilize this plugin, a Google user needs their Gmail account client ID.

Step 1: Install the WP Mail SMTP plugin, then select “Activate.”

wp mail smtp plugin

Step 2: From the WordPress dashboard, go to the plugin settings page and click “General” to proceed.

wp mail smtp settings

Step 3: Fill out the following information in the Mail section:

From Email: Please provide the admin email address for your website here.
Force From Email: Make sure it’s enabled to avoid other plugins, such as contact forms, from altering this email setup.
From Name: choose a name for your website that accurately describes it, like the title.
Force From Name: Keep the option selected to prevent name changes.
Return Path: the same email will receive bounce messages or non-delivery receipts, according to this indication.
smtp pugin mail settings

Step 4: Continue with the section below after selecting Other SMTP for the Mailer. 

SMTP Host: The email host’s SMTP server details should be copied and pasted.
Encryption: utilize the SMTP server’s information. Choose SSL if the server offers Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) information.
Choose this option if the server gives information about Transport Layer Security (TLS).
SMTP Port: for SSL, use 465,
and for TLS, use 587.
Authentication: Enable it to verify email.
SMTP Username: the server’s SMTP username
SMTP Password: use the SMTP server’s password.
To finalize the configuration, click Save Settings.

How to SMTP Email Service Configuration on Hostinger?

Log into your Hostinger account and do the following actions to set up the email service for WordPress:

Step 1: Click web hosting to access hPanel. Click Email Accounts under Emails to view account details.

smtp setup on hostinger

Step 2: Use the WordPress plugin’s SMTP Username and Password.

smtp email information on hostinger

Step 3: If you forget your email password, click the three dots and then “Change Password.” To view your password, click the eye symbol.

email change password in hostinger

step 4: To access the remaining configuration information

hostinger's configuration settings

Step 5: Return to the WordPress plugin and set the email server’s settings under Other SMTP. Make sure you can send emails from the WordPress site after configuring the server by sending a test email.

email test on wp mail smtp plugin

Step 6: Verify that the test email is there in the inbox. Make sure the email arrives in the inbox rather than the spam folder.

test mail from wp mail smtp plugin


  • Port 587 should be used by the majority of senders. It is a simple decision due to the encryption and widespread support.
  • Relaying by default uses port 25.
  • Port 465 should not be used at all anymore.
  • Port 2525 is used if all others are blocked

I hope the information I provided was useful in helping you choose the proper SMTP port.

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