AWS MCQs Test 5 AWS MCQs Test 5 1 / 20 What is AWS Well-Architected Tool? A tool for architects An architecture assessment service A construction tool A music streaming platform 2 / 20 Explain Amazon Detective. A detective service A mystery-solving service A detective novel A music streaming platform 3 / 20 What is AWS Transfer Family? A family of transfers A file transfer service A travel agency A music streaming platform 4 / 20 What is AWS Network Firewall? A network for fire dancing A network security service A dancing competition A music streaming platform 5 / 20 Describe AWS AppConfig. A configuration service A coffee delivery service A fashion brand A music streaming platform 6 / 20 What is AWS CloudShell? A cloud in a seashell An integrated development environment A gardening service A music streaming platform 7 / 20 What is AWS Elemental MediaLive? A live media service A live streaming platform A gardening service A music streaming platform 8 / 20 How does AWS Lambda@Edge work? Edging for lawns Running Lambda at the edge A dancing competition A music streaming platform 9 / 20 What is AWS Elemental MediaPackage? A media packaging service A packaging company A fashion brand A music streaming platform 10 / 20 What is Amazon AppFlow? A dance app A data integration service A food delivery service A music streaming platform 11 / 20 Describe AWS Control Tower A control tower in the cloud A cloud governance service A dancing competition A music streaming platform 12 / 20 What is AWS Lake Formation Forming lakes in AWS A data lake creation service A fishing service A music streaming platform 13 / 20 What is AWS X-Ray? A brand of sunglasses A debugging and tracing service A dance competition A music streaming platform 14 / 20 Explain AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) Balancing the load of elastic bands A load balancing service A dance competition A music streaming platform 15 / 20 What is AWS Personal Health Dashboard? A personal health tracking service A healthcare platform A clothing brand A music streaming platform 16 / 20 What is Amazon EventBridge? A bridge in the Amazon River An event bus service A dancing competition A music streaming platform 17 / 20 How does AWS DataSync work? Syncing data across AWS services Syncing data across devices A gardening service A music streaming platform 18 / 20 What is AWS Key Management Service (KMS) Custom Key Store? A custom key storage service A custom coffee store A clothing brand A music streaming platform 19 / 20 Describe AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) A database migration service A database management service A gardening service A music streaming platform 20 / 20 What is Amazon Elastic Inference? An elastic band An inference accelerator A clothing brand A music streaming platform Your score isThe average score is 0% 0% Restart quiz